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The attack patterns got more interesting towards the end as they became more touhou style. The biggest problem is just the major FPS drop when there are many bullets on screen, mainly starting from the fire phase and onward.

(Did you perhaps forget to mention holding shift slows down movement?)

Thank you for playing and feedback

Yeah. I am more or less aware of the FPS problem. I tried to fix the "Patchouli's Agni Shine" stage by reducing the number of bullets to around 0.8 the previous amount - but still laggy it seems; and just gave up fixing the last pattern.

Also... HOLY CRAP I COULDN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THAT!!! O_O It's so instinctive to me I forgot to include that very very important information...

In regards to the FPS are you maybe not destroying objects when they go off screen? 

I do. Though I guess I only destroy it after they go some distance off screen as there are some bullets that have a possibility to re-enter due to their trajectory...

Though I just realized that unlike my previous game this was recycled from, only one type of bullet this time has a possibility of re-entering the screen (the fire), and even then they only need a small margin. I'll see if reducing the margin a bit will fix the lag.