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Thank you so much ! This was my first real game that was not a tuto, so I'm very happy that somebody enjoyed it!

I didn't plan to make an inventory at first, but i did want to make a code-pin-like magic so i searched the godot assets and found an inventory (i have to add it to the credit). I didn't found a code pin so I made it, at first while drawing it followed the mouse, but I couldn't fix an offset problem when integrating it into a scene, so I removed it. I might add it to the asset library if I correct it a bit.

I'm very glad you liked the idea ! At first too I wanted to make the spell by entering  symbols, but then I didn't want to have writing in my game. And I had a phone and I thought code pins were cool.

For the book and the spell indication, now that I'm not in a great rush to finish, I realize it is totally not intuitive nor user friendly and I would not have done better had i not make it. (I think I will redraw those a little bit because some do not look like their symbol).

Thank you again! I did not try out yet the other games but I will make sure to !