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how to go about texturing for custom modifiers?

A topic by Polygonal Illusions created Jun 18, 2023 Views: 193 Replies: 6
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Hi guys

sorry if this has been brought up before, i couldnt find a previous thread. What is the best way to go about creating textures for custom modifiers? i've not really tried texturing before and i cant wrap my head around how to do it. i've created this table, and i want the texture on the floor to be the same cobbles as the rest of the floor while having the wooden texture on the table only. 

how can i go about doing this? any help is appreciated

(1 edit)

does your modifier have another square block at the bottom? i just tested this and it works fine for me.

perhaps because your modifier is larger than the size of a single square unit?

ah yes there is a block at the bottom, the whole floor is elevated slightly so I created the table with the elevated floor attached. I assume then that the texturing only really works from a flat surface? 

The modifier is 64x64, I thought that was the size of a single square unit, is this not the case?

the texture will be applied to the entire modifier. so if you make a raised floor as part of the modifier, the floor will get the texture of whatever the block you placed that has the modifier on it

and yes 64x64 is the correct size, in your pic i thought it looked bigger but it must have been a trick of perspective

and by "the whole floor is elevated" do you mean you placed modifiers on all the floor tiles?

yes you're correct I have placed a modified on the entire floor of the room from the screenshot as I wanted the house to be elevated leading down into a street. I was hoping I'd be able to split the texture so to speak in order to have the raised floor a different texture to the table that is above it but I think I understand how it works now.

I would have to place the table on a none elevated floor in order to get the desired effect 

you could theoretically do this:

make a table modifier that doesnt have the floor, and then move all the pieces of the table downward in the modifiers editor by 64 units, then place the table modifier on the second floor.

that's a really interesting idea, I'll check that out when I'm home. Thanks for the help :)