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I love the concept but theres just a couple things that just made the experience a little rough. First is the menu on death - its something I'm never a fan of and especially not in a game where you die in one hit like here, as it just makes deaths slow and annoying. The other is the abundance of dead ends, which are never obvious due to the darkness effect. It lead to a lot of unfair feeling deaths where the ghosts cornered me in an area I had no way of knowing was unsafe. Atmosphere is generally great though the music feels strangely upbeat at times.

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it :)
I thought restarting from the gameover screen was fairly quick using jump to confirm (though it only works with space, forgot to add the other keybinds), but I'll surely consider replacing it with a short, skippable reload transition instead as well.
And yeah, I see I definitely should've polished the map further to get rid of dead ends or add a few cues, will keep that in mind next time.