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Hello! First I want to say that this is one of my favorite games. I adore games where you can have a shop and stuff and I have invested hours upon hours in this game. I even thought about streaming it because I love it.

Because of my love for your game, I figured I would go ahead and list bugs I've come up with so you can work on them at your leisure.

  1. The saving mechanic doesn't seem to work. Once you save, and you try to load into your save later, the game loads for a few seconds and then opens up a screen where you can't move, turn, or interact with anything on the screen. When opening the windows task manager, the game is unresponsive. Everything before you save works fine, however. When the game does load, the frame rate is extremely low. After you try and save, the game(at least in my case) never opens up correctly and you can't play unless you uninstall and reinstall
  2. Shields have a tendency to get stuck in the Workbench. You can move the workbench however, and this solves the issue.
  3. You can't open a custom game at all. This could be because the sandbox is disabled. I don't know if there is a connection at all but it behaves the same way as it does when you try to save.
  4. At one point, one of my customers, after being served, walked to the teleportation stone, and just stood there. He never despawned so no other customers could spawn in.
  5. I can't ever find anything other then stone when I go mining, This could be a bug or it could be that they just aren't loading correctly. I don't know. It's been a while since I played last and things could work differently.

Again, this is one of my favorite games. I think it's tons of fun and I can't wait to see what becomes of this project.



Custom difficulty part sounds like new version new save issue
Particular with you saying this is one of your favorite games, I would assume you've played older versions and have older saves

(Below is repeated info)

(Apologies, this is going to be reposted info quite a bit of times)
you can either
A) check the stickied "FAQ 0.1.1"
B) check the confirmed bug list ported from discord (paraphrased, should have confirm and discord in the title though) (on here)
C) Get on the discord and check #confirmed-bugs under "new version, new save"
D) (this is a lcomment link, of an image/comment I posted for the location, as well)
E) Alternative workaround (not a fix in the slightest) Change what difficulty you're playing on. (this will most of the time, work, As its usually your old saves that are causing the issue, and unless you have saves of every difficulty, it will avoid creating the conflict when you choose a new save difficulty that you didn't have previously)
If you still have issue past that, feel free to tell me (you can get faster results over discord)

(End of repeated info)
the save reload... I would want to see the savefile for before I could say for sure... It vaguely sounds like a few things, but some of it stands out
Shields part is at least known, it's being worked on...
The customer - a save reload normally would fix, but in your situation, during gameplay, using the furnace might be an option, since it can delete most things in the current public version... it would probably work... probably... (not tested)

Ore veins
All ore veins start as stone on a fresh save/new player - anytime "new player" bug occurs, it'll be stone again (along side all the duplications that occur)
Your two options here are either wait around for the "Depleted vein" to kick in and recycle them, or, save and reload - which would end up forcing them to unload and reload, usually resulting in various ores - Non-depleted vein recycle time is shorter  (usually occurs at midnight/turn of the new day), depleted vein is longer, though I can't swear to how long
I've had reports of people waiting and getting veins, even though I myself wouldn't be that patient.