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I like the latest update quite a lot but I'm sad to say that it full of bugs. I guess you rushed some of the technical part since a lot of the dialogue lines give a Ren'Py error "Couldn't load this and that", and I've encountered so much of those I honestly lost count, so heads up (even though both the quality and quantity of new stuff are still worth the wait)

(1 edit)

Oh dear. Can you maybe send us a bug report of the ones that caught your attention?

The coding for the game did not really change a lot compared to before so we would like to fix it as soon as possible. It is hard to find bugs during testing. You can visit our FAQ for the bug report link to let us know! Thank you!

- Roda -

Sure, here is an example. I believe it has something to do with missing assets...

Edit: Now that I think about it the issue migt have been with me and the fact I decided to somehow install both versions at once, so now they conflcit with each other from time to time. Sorry for distrubing in that case :-(


That might be the case since I did try to move some objects to be more efficient in this version. I suggest deleting both versions and downloading the most recent one. Ren'py does save the game even though the game is gone since it is in the system. But I will be looking into it regardless! Thanks!

- Roda - 

I encountered with just one error while playing. Here.


Oh my! This is a big one. This should be easy to fix and I can post an update in the next few hours on this.
Thank you!

- Roda -


Uploaded an updated version! This one should fix the error on Joseph for Day 7 :) Thank you so much!

- Roda -