Just played through it. Really enjoyed it and I always love the brutal personality of all of your games.
I had some issues though. Aiming doesn't seem to be too useful tbh so I never really did it. If I had a suggestion, maybe instead of aiming down the sights you could do this.
When you pick up a health pack, instead of it replacing your current weapon, you could press the right mouse button to use it and heal. That way healing won't really get in the way of you killing wendingos.
I also felt like some of the guns could use a little more ammo just to make them feel more satisfying. Not that they're not satisfying currently because they very much are, but just to make them more fun.
The wendingos could use another attack or two, or there could atleast be one more type of Wendingo just to ensure things aren't too repetetive.
The game could use a little optimisation since the framerate is kinda all over the place when you have so much stuff happening at once lol
Apart from that though, this game is damn fun lol. Having to scavenge around for resources is great and shooting the wendingos is very fun because of the amount of blood and body parts flying everywhere.
The OST is a banger oof. Especially " Demons of the north ". I actually started usng djen.co because of you lol.
All in all, damn fun game. Hope to see more from you cus I always love how in-your-face your games can be at times lol.