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Hey, thanks for playing! There should be sound, but it was added very recently, about 20 minutes ago. Maybe you played before then? (Might need to refresh the page before trying again if it's cached)

The camera system is a work in progress, it tracks down when falling, up when jumping, and eventually levels off when still. I may need to re-think that. Thanks for the feedback, very helpful! Maybe I should make it based off the mouse positioning or something like that...

One more note, there are 8 possible endings, only 2 are available all the way at the very end. Most are located on interactions throughout the map, and two of those are effected by how much Mana you have. (You attempted the hardest one, need full Mana) There is one more "secret" ending for accomplishing something on the map. That's all I'll say for now, hehe.

Yep, the sounds are in now.

One other thing that got me sent back once or twice was that the guards can see through blocks. My initial thought was that I could just hide behind blocks. Not sure if that's really changeable since the game is balanced around that, though. It'd be too easy if their vision was blocked by the blocks, particularly since all the guards are in their own little blocked off areas.

(1 edit) (+1)

I had considered that problem as well, and ultimately decided it would just be part of the gameplay, haha.  Definitely worth thinking about though! If it was a longer jam, I would probably spend more time developing the AI and other systems. Thanks again for all the great feedback, it's very helpful. I was pretty worried about the game balance on this one. (Although anyone can get ending 1, haha, it's right at the start)