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Hi Kuma-Gee,

Congrats on your entry! :)

As you said, we had kind of a similar idea but the games turned out be pretty different, didn't they?

I love the idea of using the arrow keys while standing still to cast. It gives a right risk / reward decision for the player to choose between fleeing / casting a powerful spell.

The pixel art and the amount juice and polish make this game a really pleasant experience.

I wish that I had a chance to look at the unlocked spells though because sometimes I forgot the combinations, haha.

Awesome job!

Glad you liked it! I didn't even think about the risk/reward thing. It just turned out that way since I needed the movement keys.

I thought about having some kind of spellbook but in the end I thought it fits better the theme without it. Since you can still cast it even if you died if you still remember it.