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I really like the overall polish and amount of content here. However, I did have a few issues with this version of the game. First of all, it took me too long to understand that you can shoot the rope a second time, I tried to pull enemies into traps by walking for far too long. After I figuered that out though, the game became really fun! At first I thought the controls were a bit loose, kind of as if you were walking on ice, however this proved to be a non-issue during gameplay. One thing that did feel a little off was that enemies can still walk through the rope. I tried to block their path a few times out of instinct and was a little disappointed that that didnt do anything. Now, there are two things I am not sure if its just a me thing or an actual issue, but here it goes; 1. Waves started while enemies of the previous waves were very much still alive. This was probably by design, but it made my "running away and hoping the problem mostly resolves itself before I take out the last few straggelers strategy" (TM) extremely hard to execute. 2. The death animation felt a little too long. This could be because I died a lot though XD I am not great at this game, I barely made it past wave 7 after much trial and error (the difficulty ramped up pretty quickly there, no?), but it is extremely fun and the sheer amount of content,considering that this is still a jam game, is extremely impressive. I could easily see even a slightly updated Version of this going for 15 $ or something, I mean heck, during the game I forgot I was playing a jam game for a while. Really good job!


Thank you really much for all of your feedback. Valentine our artist was a really great content machine... :)

The freeze feeling of the movement is just because at first we want to have controller support (yeah you can play the game with a controller :) ) And its easier to control if its not s precisely.

We had a lot mind, for example that you could pull enemies, if you are connected to them, to you. Or even upgrades for the rope... metal spiky rope, electric rope, burnable rope and so on. But yeah its a jam and our goals were to high^^

We just spend one whole day in another more complex robe but we decide to cut it out (lol cut it^^) because it was not so fun.

Anyway you are totally right with all of your points.
1. yes that was by design, because sometimes it felt a bit boring to search for the last enemy.
2. yeah thats on the polish list, like dead sounds, screen flash and better statistics (How many of what did i killed)

My best highscore is also Wave 7 :) But yeah we should stretch the game a bit with more "tutorial"-like parts.