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Yup, sorry I realized after posting that the main menu lets you select through stuff (since text is hidden for a few seconds I just went and clicked start). Also while playing the boss on the level I started getting some glitches when the bullet pile got bigger. The circled part alternated between being black and disappearing.

I was going to remake the main menu UI anyway. Shell mesh rendering is so fucked I have to remake it from ground up because I can no longer even wrap my head around it.

How did you like the actual gameplay in the end? Any change of heart?


Yeah the actual gameplay is a lot better. The bullets stacking in the ground to get you higher is a nice feature,. I carted to the boss but I will give it another try later, I like that you need to start shooting at it to discover the weak points. Overall I think its coming up great, wanna see what a future version brings to the table.