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There are a bunch of submissions and I wanted to give feedback to everyone, so I'm going to list some strengths and weaknesses that I perceive from the GDD's in this challenge (take with a grain of salt, I recognize the challenge this jam theme + time limitations, especially during a holiday weekend).

I did want to point out that this game is almost undead Pikmin, which is pretty sick.

Strengths: I love the lore you've put in the GDD, including the faction leaders. Honestly, I'm not sure this game could qualify as a new genre (to be fair, Vampire Survivors wasn't actually the first survivor-like game either), but I do think it could have the same level of impact on the gaming community.

Weaknesses: I will once more nitpick: it would be awesome to have technical aspects of the game represented as diagrams. Visuals in general are very helpful in communicating ideas simply, and help to make the document more concise overall. That said, you have managed to describe things in enough detail to have a good idea of the direction of the game. Presumably, this would still require some meetings to get your team on the same track as far as implementation, and you definitely might need mood boards/audio boards to direct those parts of the team...but this is really well done.