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I completed it but I am not satisfied. But good attempt. 

  1. Hp bar is useless because red robots (is it robots?) don't hurt you and laser kill you after first touch...
  2. If you didn't read description, you have a feeling that everything is senseless because you don't know why are doing it and where is your goal.
  3. After the second robot in the first level you can skip some jumps (to left and then to right), you can just fall down in the start of these jumps
  4. Where is theme?
  5. It will be good to have some checkpoints
  6. Sometimes you don't see where you need to go, You can understand it after try but it isn't obvious

Thank you for your comment.

Where is the theme? Let me answer your question right away. I think the game fits the "less" theme because In the game, you transition from a detailed 2-dimensional universe to an ordinary and minimal 3-dimensional universe. This is the basic course of the game. I hope I answered your question well enough :)