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A member registered Apr 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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As said in the description license is CC-BY-SA-4.0. As long as you don't violate the terms of the license you can do whatever you want with it.

The last jam was about "UI" which includes fonts too but one of future themes is fonts too. The bottleneck is I and my passion to draw which is usually fully spent on the banner...

Viking? I think I saw him in two packs only...

Honestly! I've never tried redoing anything either by making bigger or smaller. When I end up drawing, I just can't "threw it away" but I think I should try. I've been searching for an exercise and I think it is a good one ;) Thanks

Yeah. It is much better now. (You can also update the screenshot on the page).

About a style. I personally doesn't like it. I also had experimented with it... If you remember my snail...

This style can be good but... Idk, it seems to me that when you use this style the sprites instantly gets +50-100% of uniqueness but not in the sense of goodness of originality but rather in sense that they couple with other sprites in this style not so good. And this style is usually much harder to make not so messy...

About stressful pixel art (rather about any art but...). I have a question. Did you experience feeling that you've just created a masterpiece? For example one icon of pack and then realize that for pack they all must be so good but it was a masterpiece something by definition very exceptional... If yes, what do you do with it? because I experience it with each pack (except those mini packs which I didn't want just threw away)

Hello! Nice to see that you continue doing pixel art

Not a style I like but they are good. Except one thing which is too flat IMO especially when compared with other tools... It has a bit another method of showing deepness so it is a bit outstanding...

Not any of CC licenses... There is CC-BY-NC (not commercial) but it also prohibits use in commercial games. I would say that CC licenses are primarily for those who want to share, share without restrictions (there are some of them but...)

Did you decide to use CC license because you read about it on the bottom of the jam page? I think my warning wasn't effective.

If the answer to previous question is yes, formally the link stated it:

3. Freedom to share copies of the work for any purpose. When you get a copy of a free cultural work, you can make and share as many copies as you want, wherever you want. This means you can put it on your blog or website, include it in books, share it on file-trading networks, sell it in stores, give it away on CDs–there is no limit on how many copies you can make or where you can copy them, and you can use them for any purpose, even commercially.

Unfortunately it is not a cleaning issue. I've already tried to do it but something is wrong with it after it fallen :/

It is not a mechanical example but for story. Character wanted to automate something and invented a machine that can do it... The character didn't want to be replaced but this unintended consequence happened

I also though that if I won't succeed in drawing what I wanted, I will just draw emojis... But unfortunately my mouse fallen and died. It is impossible to draw with it because nearly 70% clicks are considered as double clicks and while it is pressed and moved it often thinks was unpressed and then immediately pressed again

Do you understand that CCBY4 means? That people can even sell your assets...

Weather is one of the scheduled themes. The main bottleneck is I and my ability to draw banners for the jams :/

Please read the jam rules on the main page you must provide zip file

I love your style! Excellent work

Cool animations!

Do you understand what CC-BY4 means? That in general anyone can do everything with your work but must credit you (and all derivatives of derivatives must credit you)...

Read the rules on the main page you must provide zip files

I would recommend to add the preview and tags

You post it here so you share it with others what is the terms of use?

.. or book like ui...

Usually people draw something like wood plates but I expected general UI too... Are you sure with your scale? It seems too small for me but it is just my opinion

It is good for itch to have a custom license but OGA is stricter. OGA is only for a free cultural art. Your custom license isn't compatible with any of them...

So if it is your opinion... I understand what you mean but in this case just use your custom license instead of saying it is CC0 because CC0 is about free cultural works, just as like about FLOSS software. Did you heard about it?

Oh, and on OGA people expect CC0 means CC0 so... I've already made a comment there with link to this conversation...

I think not one of CC licenses can fit it. All CC licenses are designed to share (without restricting how it is shared and wish whom). There are exist -NC versions but they restrict all commercial usage even in a commercial game. You can use your "custom license". Just a list of "you can and you can't", but it is not CC0 that way and the same goes for OGA (Open Game Art) they collect art only if is "free cultural"

One more thing. What do you think about the situation when your art is taken by someone, remade and than distributes?

Anyway CC0 is the most permissive thing. It just literally says: "I love you so much that I give a right to do with whatever you want without any restrictions"

It is a bit inconsistent. CC0 means public domain (do whatever you even just sell) and you write CC0 and then write "You may not Sell these assets, be it as they are or altered." so it is not CC0

Such a cutie. It is more a friendly pet than enemy. Cool art

I think I mostly like the hospital tent and the "one of the smartest anime characters"!

Does rar file includes all other files?

What does IP in filenames mean?

The submission must include zip version (read rules on the main page of the jam) or it will be disqualified

It should be available...

Yeah you right thanks! I accidentally uploaded my previous pack

GameBoy palette restriction actually already was one of themes so it won't be used again in near future

Good. I like the umbrella!

I hope you understand what license means. People can redistribute and even resell your assets. Basically they can do whatever they want but must credit you... If you are good with it so, I recommend you to add the license metadata

Looks really good. Don't forget that from now you have nearly a day to submit

Great game and concept. Concept!!!

If you really understand what CC-BY-NC means (people can redistribute it, for example create an itch page and upload it there though must credit you in this case) you can add license metadata

Who did hurt the girls so they are so upset? I think my favorite is the smiling girl. Good job!


Beach theme!

It isn't as easy theme as you think. If you will draw portraits again, I think you won't notice difficulties but beach is harder than forest

The name is already shown in the page so there is no need to duplicate it in the description