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Man, Poem is pretty easy and I feel like a jerk lol I got the sad ending and am sad now. Fun game, fun characters, funny game. I like how the merchant sells things, but not to you. First thing I did when I got to the carnival was beg for money 20+ times, surprisingly effective. Pleasant art style and nice light hearted feeling to the whole thing.

I hit a bug when talking to Poem. I had told her I was doing bad and got an error when I tried asking her to tell me about herself. Here's the short version:

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 778, in script

    po"{cps=30}My name is {color="#F4D0E5"}Poem{/color}, I'm Pray’s daughter.{/cps}"

Exception: Open text tag at end of string '{cps=30}My name is {color='.

Yeah, we caught that syntax bug 10 mins after release, but cannot change any files! Poem's been having some brain farts lately (something about quotation marks and bad thoughts, not a big deal). We are gonna push a 'Carnival Unending But Good' version after the voting period, with everything ironed out and cleaned up. Glad you enjoyed the game, and mayhaps try some different endings? As a treat? A treat for you? A little snack for a hungry hungry boy? Hehehe?

Hmmm I do like snacky snacks...