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Hi Ony :)

Well, to me it just feels like real life in similar way? of course I am not saying Hi to every people I see  everyday, it is more like when you work in the same place as other people even if not working with them, I say Hi and sometimes they just do not answer and continue their way without even looking at me and I honestly accepts this better than the ones taking the time to look at me like " what the hell are you saying hi to me for?". this makes me angry.

I just feel the same way on itchio,

That is a very weird experience with these people you  have gotten.

I made this post in a time feeling very upset and did not think someone would say something, thank you Ony :)


To me it feels very different because irl online I am even less sure that they noticed me, whereas irl I can say "Hi" and if he just looks at me weird  or walks away repeat the "Hi", online I throw the hi out and it's much easier to imagine the person is busy and hasn't noticed me because there's nothing I can do to reassure if that is case and reaffirm my initial message (I hope this was comprehensible)

No problem, Anwynn, that's what friends are for!


I understood what you mean, yes it is different and similar more or less too.