Random one :
Today I thought to check RPG maker forum which does not happen often,
I saw someone posting about the need of a character (sailor pluto) for a Sailor Moon game, I knew there were such on Deviant art so I send them a link to the page in private message.
I just wanted to be helpful, I have no gain or anything about this. They did not even said hi back and blamed me for not having what they are looking for in the link ? I have not watched any Sailor Moon anime for a very LONG time but I do remember which faces are which characters from the anime, after that I told them good luck with their game and strangely they told me that they seen something that maybe be useful for them? ..
Random two :
I am very tired on Itchio when people does not bother replying to a question about their assets for sales or not even saying "thank you" when we are praising their assets or games, obviously if the account owner does not seem to be active anymore they would not reply but when I see that they are active it really annoys me, being polite does not hurt, just saying thank you is already fine, I write quite a lot on Itchio because I like games and I am polite but really I am a person of few words outside of that, what makes me talk like 99% of the time in my every day life is being polite.
Sorry to disturb anyone, sometimes things need to be out and said.
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You're always positive to me and it is very appreciated!
Stay positive
Hi Spirit Corgi :)
Thank you very much :)
I don't really mind it when creators don't answer my comments, it's more of a reward when they answer and no answer is the default for me, so if I ever have a notification in itch, I am happy but if they don't I just forget it.
It's much easier to be polite irl where you have to see it and you just throw a instant answer than be polite online like that, so I don't mind it. But I guess I don't write stuff as long as you do.
I guess I do have a experience like that, but it makes laughter more than anger. So I sent an email to this developer, right? And then another translator went on the comments and was like "Yo, this is my email, send a message if you want" and I kid you not, the translation from that guy was added bwahaha (Still waiting for the day the dev checks it's emails hahah)
I quite liked the way this post was handled, you know, I use dark mode itch so this made it be highlighted instead of it being weird with the side images
Hi Ony :)
Well, to me it just feels like real life in similar way? of course I am not saying Hi to every people I see everyday, it is more like when you work in the same place as other people even if not working with them, I say Hi and sometimes they just do not answer and continue their way without even looking at me and I honestly accepts this better than the ones taking the time to look at me like " what the hell are you saying hi to me for?". this makes me angry.
I just feel the same way on itchio,
That is a very weird experience with these people you have gotten.
I made this post in a time feeling very upset and did not think someone would say something, thank you Ony :)
To me it feels very different because irl online I am even less sure that they noticed me, whereas irl I can say "Hi" and if he just looks at me weird or walks away repeat the "Hi", online I throw the hi out and it's much easier to imagine the person is busy and hasn't noticed me because there's nothing I can do to reassure if that is case and reaffirm my initial message (I hope this was comprehensible)
No problem, Anwynn, that's what friends are for!
I understood what you mean, yes it is different and similar more or less too.