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Its Ho-oh!

(1 edit) (+4)

Based on test run the evaluation of thermals and nessa as a whole was a bit harsh in the tier list in chat, but it resets its stat changes after it's passive activates (making it unviable for true endless runs), still with collapse it can sustain itself and its allies very well, making it an interesting healer.

Nessa is my new favorite tank, especially once radiated, giving benefit to triggering the passive with nova, and help staying alive with collapse


I find the evaluations really interesting :D  ive seen plenty of talk of Nessa being op, mamu op, nessa terrible, mamu terrible 

(1 edit) (+2)

Mamu is goated, still unsure on Nessa though. To find out I want to beat all difficulties with nessa, calm and lull are already done


Mamu is one of the best but only with his Icefang and Tusk Gore, Enemies can't really buff themselves anymore thanks to him. Then there's Nessa which seems pretty good, i always choose Thermals and Collapse, it's an instant proc, and eventually it just keeps healing and losing hp so it never goes into egg form, i gotta try the other abilities for Nessa ig


(realizes thermals can be good) Thaaaaaaats why it becomes so much stronger when I radiate it, I usually pick susceptibility and nova, but collapse and thermals is actually a lot stronger, gonna try that on my calamity run, I have beaten the other four on standard using nessa, and I think egg will be helpful with the you lose=you die


won by a hair, nessa is a niche healer and the best tank in the game, It is really OP when radiated, and one of the few monsters that I would radiate, others being slagg, tuskal, hydrim, and gora

Yeah Radiating Nessa is great cause now her Nova heals a lot more, and technically speaking 2 other monsters, and with susceptible stack the rejuvinating flames damage might be extended, but i'm not too sure about that. I also personally radiate Slaag, tuskal, Gora, Skimander, Gheist Tizik and Parra, aside from Nessa now. Woad only when it's supposed to be the main gimmick monster on my team.

How do you even get mamu and nessa in the first place? Is there anything that I need?