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Good to see someone else using gdevlop. Nice game. Nice polish when the asteroids collide the explode, must would miss that. Adding a shoot function that also drains fuel would be cool.

Hello! Thank you for your reply! It was my first time entering any Jam, so I decided to make something really simple because I wasn't sure that I can do everything smoothly. But there are things, which went wrong, for example, I couldn't figure out, how to add music, and then publish it (GDevelop wasn't allowing me to build the project). 

By the way, I think, GDevelop is a very cool engine,  and, personally, I like it more than coding in Unity. (or maybe I am just bad at it :)

Anyway, thank you for your feedback!

Yeah, I am new to coding and find develop the easiest, unity looked very challenging. It's pretty easy to add music, as long as you only trigger it once, otherwise, it gets messy.

Ah, build woes! Bummer. I had a music-related issue when I went to build in my first game jam too (I use Unity, though), though in my case it was just something (compression-related, I think) making it sound awful in the WebGL build, so I had to run with just a Windows version.

Cool game though. Grats on your first jam :)