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I am terrible at rythm games but this is still a good game. Loved the music, visuals, and the concept overall.

One issue I had and might be due to my monitor being 21:9 was that the screen did not scale right. The gameplay was cropped weird where I could see beyond the edges of the stage assets. The notes track bar was also positioned very low and the "D" key was nearly fully cropped off by the bottom of the screen. Not a huge deal cause I could still play it and see the "D" notes in the end.


Noo! definitely expected some bugs with resolutions haha. Canvas were a new (and sometimes hostile) thing for us. Thanks for pointing it out, definitely will fix it in further works.  


If this is a Unity Canvas, the `Canvas Scaler` component should have a `UI Scale Mode` field. Try setting it to `Scale With Screen`. The canvas is tricky to get right but found that enabeling scale with screen size helps a lot.


hehe yeah, we had it configured that way, but we'll have to dig deeper to discover the problem. Thanks for the comment, Griggy :)