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I just added a Linux build. What do you mean by export options?

Thanks for uploading a linux version! Saddly it is not working :( When I launch the application is loads a black screen, it flickers, and then nothing happens.  All I can do is press esc to return to my desktop.  Anyway you could look into that? Also my question about export options was becuase I am running linux and could not open the app to see if it gave any options to export the flame animations as png frames or sprite sheets for use in game engines like godot or billboards in blender. Let me know! Looking forward to using this on linux.


Hm, I don't have a linux machine right now. I just used the Linux build option on Unity and hoped it would work :(
Maybe I will get an WebGL version out soon, that should work on Linux, too.

I was actually playing with the idea of exporting animations to sprite sheets, too! I really want to add this features as it would make my tool so much more useful, but I don't know when I will have the time for that.

Anyways, thanks for your feedback!

Awesome! Would love to see a WebGL version and the addition of sprite sheet exports. Hope you find the time. Very cool project!

Probably a way to export video