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So you didn't really die yet the game over screen was shown?

That bats do that and it's exactly because they clip into walls. It was a bit of a janky last ditch effort to fix them as they sometimes just clipped inside and through walls making it impossible to kill them and because of that hard locking the room. Couldn't put too much effort to solving it correctly as time was running out. 😅

Yup, snake ignores all walls and just hits everything around you. At first they even hit neutral mobs which made for a rude trading experience before I realised it. Melee weapons behave the same and can also hit through small walls. But enemies can do that too and I've fallen few times to zombies doing exactly that.

A bit unlucky on that first run. Knew that it would be a possibility, and certainly someone would encounter it. But they do warn you before going aggro, twice.

Yup, exactly! Seed length only increases the possible loot rarity and dungeon max size (and of course used as a seed for generation too) and the difficulty scales on each entry to the dungeon only.

I had no hit points left, but was at camp and had the ability to heal and had the perpetual Game Over screen. It was interesting. 

Excellent stuff...and like your other projects, addictive!