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A member registered Jul 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Huh, that's weird. That word definitely should be on both dictionaries.

Thanks! ❤️ Halved the cursor size now, hope that makes it better. 👍

Yea it's "baby steps" as it would almost always kill you on second level without. I still don't really like that mod in actuality. I kinda wanted it to change the gameplay so that you'd have to move step by step but that most of the times doesn't really work like that.

Easy, don't lose. I all seriousness though, I don't really like it either now that I listen to it after all these years. I'm doing a second patch for it today, maybe I'll do something to that sound effect too...

It's not really that limited. Basically it just needs to be a list of words in any format really. An online tool like wiktionary wouldn't really work as it needs to check so many different letter combinations if they're a word each placement (6 checks in the most simple case of placing two 2x2 blocks next to each other) so it would become slow.

Yeah I like the definitions too. I remember testing out the game while I was originally making it seeing some unexpected word being made thinking "is that even a word" and that gave me the idea. Learning new stuff is great and if I see an opportunity to offer such in my games, I always take it. And that's why I show random definitions of the word too. Even if you know what you're using, you might still learn some new use case for the word. Even though as a flip side it seems to confuse some people to think it's displaying a "wrong" definition even though every obscure one is is pretty as legit as the common intended one.

Obviously having definitions for everything would be optimal but sadly it's not quite feasible. I'm just using a single source for them ( and even though it has like all the "normal" words, it doesn't have everything. I don't think any source would. Even adding something like wikipedia/wiktionary wouldn't probably cover everything and would be a lot more difficult to fetch and format too. And of course AI could be of help too but would get a lot more complex to implement for such a small feature.

The original word list (ie. the classic mode) was this one ( if I remember correctly so it should be along those lines but a lot of people were complaining about it too. I agree with you and don't really like how much non-words the current one has.

I guess showing the formed words would be a reasonable addition... 👍

Yeah, that's the drawback of changing to a bigger word dictionary. And the definitions come from a different source so it won't show anything if such isn't found for the word. And it picks a random definition from the available different ones every time.

I don't really remember where I found this one. I've made several word games and every time I've searched for word lists for such, it seems to be the same few lists that are available. The other one I've used seems to be bigger one at least (4 megs in comparison to 2 that is used here) but also has more not actual words like 'xxx'.

You mean after leaving a legacy and starting a new run, it just isn't given to you? It needs to be the same play session or it is forgotten (ie. can't refresh the page between). I guess there is no reason to add a custom game mode if such is wanted.

Obviously not a perfect solution but you can mute a tab in most browsers by right clicking the tab. Do you know a better dictionary that I could use instead the current one?

Oh yeah, forgot to fix that camera thing. It was already pointed out earlier by someone. I have these level size restrictions but I think pylons now break those rules a bit and make levels bigger than they should be. Zooming and panning the camera would be a good thing which would allow for bigger levels (allowing more disproportional ones too) but since I haven't built the game with that in mind since the beginning, it's a bit of a bigger overhaul of an addition. But indeed something I'd be interesting in adding though.

This issue is fixed now with Fibonacci being able to still offer (double) gemmed tiles even with the Vanilla modifier. It was actually ending up in a state where the offered cards had two gems but the first one wasn't really there which made the whole game end up in a completely weird state.

1. Kinda weird that it took this long to find since I think this has been there since the beginning. Now it's finally working correctly.

2. I think this happens when a permanent gem is added on top of a temporary one which then kinda "glues" the temporary one there too.

3. Seemed to be the case yes. Fixed now.

4. This was actually just happening on a case like in the video where your way was also blocked by a heretic. That triggered the "end check" to be ran earlier and didn't take pylon additions into account.

Yup, the same thing happened to me now when I tried to play it. Seems to be an issue with Vanilla daily mod (no gems) and Fibonacci shop as it always has double gemmed ones.

I think you're missing a crucial step. It's to space, then to backspace and back to space through this space (which if I remember correctly should be enter). So you actually gotta go SPACE -> BACKSPACE -> ENTER -> SPACE

Right right, interesting scenario. Didn't think of such combination at all. Guess I gotta figure out some outcome for when boss tries to stomp and reshuffle but all tiles are stuck due to pylons (or some other reason)...

Of wow, that's weird. I guess I've completely missed (or somehow forgotten) that post. Does the cross stay invisible for the whole level or does it phase in/out?

Well yeah, of course it feels bad when you can't place a tile due to no fault of your own really. But allowing rotating would make it basically endless and would make tiles with three ways basically identical to the full ones. And of course it becomes less of an issue the further along you get as you have more and more control on what kinds of tiles you add to your deck and what sort of relics/potions you choose to help you out on these bad luck situations.

(1 edit)

Hmm, I'd suspect that the pylon is to blame here and the boss "cut off" check doesn't correctly count those as non-usable squares. And what do you mean the cross disappears? Like completely vanishes and makes you unable to continue?

edit: Yup, that was it. Fixed now.

Yeah there is an added delay (2/5 seconds depending on whether it will kill you) when on unfinished level end and you have a potion that could somehow affect the situation. Kept the timing fairly short so that you'd still kinda need to be aware of what you could do to pull it off. Some kind of indication might not be a bad idea as it still would realistically need to be known first hand even with it.

By the way, there are also undocumented hotkeys now added to potions (number keys) to help with pull off these "grace period" quaffs or even healing mid thundering.

Aight, will keep an ear out more critically on the pylon sounds. Have to admit, I didn't really listen to them enough...

Oh yeah true, green pylons can indeed be a big roadblock. Didn't even think of it before but of course it can happen. Shouldn't be too common though luckily as it really requires a specific level layout and pylon next to a choke point.

But yes, there are some counters out there for it! Forgot to mention it in patch notes but blanks aren't as bad anymore (when they come to your hand) as they were before. But now that I know of this, I should probably think of more ways to combat unwanted pylons.

The depth drawing issue of the starting tile is now fixed. Seemed to happen when dying on a boss level (after opening the chest ie. shuffling the starting tile back to deck).

The lack of room for bigger levels is annoying. There probably isn't anything there on the right side as the levels have max width and height so that it should be able to show everything. I guess in this case it should pan the camera left a bit to show the edge of that too because seeing even half of the yellow pylon here would be enough.

I've been toying around with the idea with removing the size limitations completely and making the camera movable by player.

It was intentional that Nichiren offered only single item but now that I think about it, why not allow more. The locking was not intentional but fixed now too.

Yeah those two are dupes so that a daily run could get double the effect. Those two along with one other one in that vendor inventory are actually daily modifiers and not "normal" relics. And yeah, they don't affect the first level as the level is actually generated before the skill is given. Could probably fix that too somehow but doesn't seem like a big priority... :D

Multiple pylons do trigger on a single tile but a tile can't have more than two colors and that's why the red effect didn't trigger.

Good catch about the "created cards" not triggering pylons. Now they do! The depth issue of the starting tile after dying on a boss level is now fixed too.

Thanks. Yeah I don't think that potion should add it to sac spot.

Sorry I forgot to answer to you as I didn't do so immediately and gave the idea some thought. I'm not really the biggest fan of the idea. And what do you mean by porting it as it's made with Unity and pretty much already would work out of the box? Would you actually make it a proper mobile port ie. good touch controls and fully make it work on portrait aspect ratio?

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I'm starting my summer vacation from my "real" work today so time to start working on the 1.6 patch. Lets see if that can entice you to return... 😅

I have some new feature ideas and that siege idea sounds pretty neat too. Might play around with it to see if it'd be cool. I don't really like how the runs can actually start taking multiple hours. And of course there are loads of bugs to fix too including the corner case ones reported by you that still remain.

I'd also like to hear your opinion on the green gems. I kinda still avoid them myself when possible as they can kinda trap you. But I'd like to make them more viable and enticing options. Got any ideas?

Fixed now. Though it does somewhat bork the daily of today as it changes the 5th card to be a blue one instead.

Dang. Looks like it yeah. The directions seem to vary while the amount of them and the gem seems to be constant green.

Nah, all good, thanks for reporting these! Fortunately this one too is a very much corner case (though annoying one) but I will try to replicate and fix it for the next patch. Something is indeed going quite wrong there and I guess as you suspected that SIN is not waiting for you to stop shopping and triggers the level ending too. Weird how the HP bar is not displaying at all anymore and how the whole level blinks out when you try to select something (I guess). And the shop isn't showing the exit option either...

That was actually the first word that came to my mind when creating that "puzzle" and I worded the response around that. Good to hear that someone actually encountered that semi-unintentional joke.

Good catch, the "static color" relic descriptions were indeed messed up. This was regression from the relic color seeding issue fix from the last patch. The second one isn't really a bug as they kinda happen at the same time but I think it might make more sense to change it so that smiting would stop the damage from happening too.

Lucky! Even that 481 was quite a lot for that seed.

Well this was a bit of a weird one. Seems like Chrome and Firefox have a bit different sorting algorithms which caused the initial green/red difference for me and you. I was also generating the list in wrong order (for daily menu view and the actual game that already is basically staring in the background at that point) and the actual game ones affected the "allowed" colors for the menu generation. But now both of these issues are fixed and the daily mods should preview correctly and be consistent on all browsers.

Huh, weird. It keeps showing red for me in the menu view but actual run is yellow then. And it seems to do the same consistently every time I refresh it too. Have you noticed skill colors not lining up properly in the past dailies?

Thanks, good find! Praying on broken altars made you indeed become stuck there and didn't trigger level ending even though it was empty. Fixed now.

Which questions do you mean?

Tried again on incognito and didn't die straight away to it but did run myself to a dead end few hits in.

I messed up early on and didn't get that far. Was there a tile on hand then that could connect to the stood on one after everything else is removed?

(1 edit)

The maze is the same no matter the keys. But yeah, it's not too fun of a concept for sure as it's basically just trial and error with a bit of a memory requirement. And from that description yeah, seems like you managed to break something. Just incrementing the level shouldn't be enough but maybe in conjunction with something else you did or something. Cause it seems like quite a few of the games weren't working 100% correctly. Like I guess Germany was the solution of a round but the keys didn't get reset properly for some reason.

Haha, true. I was actually even contemplating on doing a level where you'd need to alter the save or at least check the sources or something like that. But might have been a bit much for most people. I think even the current challenges are too tough. What parts did you find the most frustrating ones?