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Var is a keyword used to declare a variable. Please refer to a relevant JavaScript guide before continuing.

You have not declared your other variables either. Would you like some YouTube recommendations?

changing var to something else worked so far,
cant get the multiple stacks to display though
they display on the player but not enemies

To display stacks on enemies, the icon display sprite needs to have a draw function attached to it after the status icon has been drawn

how do i remove just one stack of a state? telling it to remove one removes all of them

Access the states object and then remove the index of the state from the battler object

did you make your mz version of this yet?

I start plugin modifications from the 15th

Also yes but that version is paid and is named status construct

does that one properly remove only one stack without script calls? cause 5usd is worth it if it does

At the moment no but it is a lot easier to manipulate the stack count as the numbers are more direct.