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A member registered Feb 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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(after the good ending)

it should teleport you right there after the ending

the final goal of the game is to perform the ritual

it doesnt, but the ritual currently requires 5 of them.
because i realised that people would wonder why you cant just snag the 2 candelabras from the dining hall

the bar and the living room

the one above the starting room, if you examine both rooms closely, you should find a solution

the npc only has dialogue if you got the scene in the master bedroom first,

she wasnt meant to be in the demo and i accidentally moved the door instead of the npc when i uploaded the bugfixes

the redressing thing is weird, but i did solve the thing where being naked still doesnt let you in...
it's weird though, since the clothes drawers feel like the old version i already replaced

he's in the room above, but you can't reach him without doing soemthing else first
(you can get to the room if you walk but not to him)

thanks for that!!

i hadnt flagged the zip as something that can run on windows

i just had to make sure the lewd cards werent shown to the kids cause steam wouldve banned it

im considering doing a spin off where you play as medusa, but its intended to be cute and sfw

the exe listed is just the result when you export rpgmaker vx ace games

i've never used the launcher, the game.exe is what would launch the game

nat is the self insert, the one that never leaves their room with the guitar is an IRL friend.

enzo is just a nod to kate's test the game

there were supposed to be more away from the arena scenes like kate ramen, but i completely blanked on them

each girl has the 3 lewd loss things and and unlockable scene when youve done all 3 to them

the game has 4 girls, nat, kate, taiga, and the wolfgirl

office stage uses modern currency, as does the cyberpunk place

i think y have to talk to emi whenn you find her in the strip club

get emi slave outfit

rest at inn so she visits aya

rest again

head to strip club

rest at inn again

head to strip club

office is pretty simple, meet boss secretary, get her out of the way by visitinng the womens toilets and talking to the 2 girls there

can now enter the bosses office, behind the  painnting on the wall theres an input keypad

you get the password by playing the arcade game and whatever the top score is is the password

use the keycard you get from entering the password on the elevator to go to the basement

search around on the left side of the map for the ice b gone and melt ice on the lower right of the map to restore power

enter the cry room (right of the entrance) to trigger the main villain chasing you and lure them into traps on either side of the main map

you can stun him with the hookshot when hes in position and flick the switches

you have to remember unfortunately, originally there were supposed to be enough unlockable pictures to account for that but i had trouble coming up with them

the drinks were supposed to be for quests, but i forgot to add them

you can get in the vents in the upper floor security room, and its a lot easier to go through there than grind

make dimitri cum on the turn after he charges up (UOH) or handcuff

it makes me nervous, like something is wrong with the world

thats how they are irl if theyre clean

search the toilets

still havent beaten it on normal,

anyone else get a sense of dread when the physics cant resolve so all the orbs are twitching

GOOGLE, or read the page properly

the green slimes i think, its been a while

yup, bad end at 100% on completion

i added the debug item to fix it too, the 10+ seconds of loading is supposed to avoid that but when i had youtube in the bg it still loaded wrong

her model didnt appear?

does the steam version have a smaller filepath?
cause the only difference between the two is one has the achievements plugin enabled

strange, there was a lot of lag in the step puzzles but i solved that before release.

where specifically are you experiencing lag?

thank you<3

try winrar, i use 7zip sometimes but i think i used winrar for this one

what kind of errors? have you tried unzipping it with a different program?

im azurezero on discord if you wanna get replies quicker