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Something interesting- the save file is definitely corrupt. I checked my save directory and the text in the save file that's in there is only 89 characters long, as compared to a 195.8k character backup file that's also in the directory. 

I'm going to attempt a fresh install and see if something weird happened to my local copy of the game. I'll wipe the appdata folder too just in case. I'll keep the older version as-is just in case there's something useful in that appdata folder for bug-hunting, since it's suffering from the same issue.


Good news! The reinstall did fix it. Whether it was the reinstall, the appdata folder wipe, or the combination of the two, I don't know. 

Thanks for all your hard work on the game! Hoping the new demo and the eventual full release live up to the potential this original 2020 demo shows in abundance. =D

Thank you so much! I'll do my best ^^

I'm glad you were able to fix it, but it's still pretty scary to have a potential save corrupting bug in there, rare as it may be... I haven't found anything so far that might cause this, but I'll keep looking. I'll also add a save backup system, just in case.
Sorry again about all that!

No problem! I think I have a possible theory about what might have happened. Between 2020 and now I've had to replace my Hard Drive. In that time I migrated most of my files, including my old AppData folder contents, to keep save  games in those locations. I think I might have installed via installer in the past, and by the time of the migration I forgot I wasn't playing on Portable. So maybe something gets installed in a location that I didn't migrate that caused the bug? In such a case the solution would simply be to reinstall the game, which is what successfully fixed my problem. Without knowing more of the causes this is the best theory I have lol

Aah, that might be it! I guess it's kind of reassuring in that this isn't something I have control over lol

I believe the save file works between both versions, but I'll still test that real quick later to make sure.