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Thiefbold is a nice Name for this. 

Nice interactable Main Menu, no working Settings.

Camera feels kind of too close to the Kobold. He's cute tho. Needs to turn and decelerate faster I think.

Camera rotates too slowly.

While sprinting Player also tries to rotate based on Camera, causing every Sprint that isn't straight forward to become a tight Loop.

When you spam E on the Bookshelfs you sometimes get the Sound twice. Dialogueboxes and setup is really cute tho.

Some Z-Fighting or lighting flicker or something on the Floor next to the right Pillar next to Mimi.

Texture on the Pillar also isn't seamless, doesn't blend together with the upper end of it, looks a bit odd. 

Can't select new Dialogue choices with A/D only W/S. Also the Cursor doesn't move very smoothly or swaps, but flickers a bit in between Movement. Looks very off.

Your interaction Cursor has the E on it inverted. 

Accidentally atsde the Donut. 

You walk in the Air for quite a bit when climbing through the Window. Since its a non-return Option anyway, why not have the climb down end in a Cutscene kind of thing? Just something short to mask the floating in the Air and the Camera zooming in on his Butt so hard. Might also be better to turn off crouching when you're at the Top, or to disable not being able to fall off while crouching, so this doesn't happen.

When you drop the Sack while standing on the Key, you zoom through the Room, I assume Physics Issues.

Opening the Door gives you a Key back, which is nice, but it keeps a Key stuck in the Lock, which breaks immersion. I kind of just duplicated my Key.

Accidentally quit to main menu when geting Caught. Can I really only ever carry one Item? Makes the Sack feel a bit useless then, might aswell carry the Item itself.

You don't reset the Game when you start again, so I couldn't get my Mission objectives again. It still worked, as I apparently already had them, but it shouldn't be this Way.

That the Kobold automatically taps silently when near a Guard is really neat, I like it.

Apparently the first Door also doesn't require a Key, as I could open it with the Key dropped aswell. And when I pick up the Key while on top of it, I can float a bit. Maybe disable Collision first, before moving anything?

Guards are very easy to loose. And apparently this Time around I could open the second Door with a silver lock aswell without a Key, while in the first Run I couldn't open it at all.

Guard in the Rectangular Corridor got stuck on a Corner while chasing me, making it never loose aggro and me unable to ever leave the Armory.

For some Reason in the Sewers once a Slime hit me or something I was stuck facing some Direction for quite a while. Until I stole the Dagger from the other Thief.  Also the Doorway thats unlocked via the Crate in the Sewers leads nowhere and has a piece of Wall on the Side you can walk through.

You have Z-Fighting in there aswell, on the small Exits along the Walls.

And your Water/Slime shader breaks a bit on the Stairs. And looks off with the Ripples along the Walls aswell.

Invisible Walls outside are dumb, just put Bushes/Fences/Etc there. Theres also a Chair you can walk through outside for some Reason.

And one of the Trees clips into the WizardStaff Area.

You can also apparently open all Doors as long as you've picked up the correct Key once. You don't need to hold it or anything.

Sometimes you have giant Billboards of Things breaking through Various Areas, no Idea what they are or what causes this.

Bouncing off the Walls is cute, but it can get a hindreance(?) pretty quickly, maybe have a smaller Radius for it? Also when I picked up the Crate to open the exit in the Sewers again, it catapulted itself out of my Hands and out of this World, so the Exit is blocked out completely. But I got the Staff and everything, so I'm just going to consider this a finished Heist.

It's really more of a Puzzle then a Stealthgame, isn't it? Nonetheless, could be fun, if it had a Camera further away and ironed out all the Bugs. Very cute Graphics and Characters.


Thats quite a bit of stuff!The majority of these issues have been fixed already but are not pushed through juuust yet. 

Yes only one item, the sack is to make it so you don't have to make multiple trips several times as you can store as much as you want in it. 

This isn't really explained very well just yet but putting other items on the button also opens it (you can also exit through the big open gate in the big round room)

I might look into moving the camera further away though. All stealth game are inherently puzzle games at it's core! The path you take is generally the solution to the level (puzzle)


What I ment is, it feels more like I'm solving a classic Puzzle with what Item to take where and how to use them, while avoiding some Guards, instead of the other Way around, where I'm trying to move through a Level unseen while solving some Puzzles. 

Hence it feeling more like a Puzzlegame with Stealth Elements, rather then a StealthGame with Puzzle elements. It's less about which Route I actually take movement-wise, and more about how and in which order I use the Items themselves. with pretty constant back and forth through the same Areas, but that might've also just been due to me messing up using the Sack properly.

Not that this is bad in any Way, I personally think it fits your cute Artstyle better then an actual StealthGame, if you focus more on the Puzzle side like it is currently. Gives it a more lighthearted Tone, which just fits this.


Yeah that was the idea! Though the guards will get a bit smarter and you will need to look out my idea was more akin to thief, where you solve puzzles going through the level while thief has more of an immersive sim vibe to it i wanted to take a more cartoony approach hence why the adventure and puzzles take a a bit more precedence then the stealth mechanic . I did design it so backtracking is generally minimal and when using the sack you could already have the quest items needed for the rogue with you so no backtracking necessary at all.

Further levels will have more mechanics, like disguises, staying in the light and lighting up areas etc. Plans are there once the core mechanics are polished and working.