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Couldn't alt tab since it locked my mouse to the center of the screen no matter what, maybe don't do that. Besides that I beat up most of the enemy types, and man some had a lot of HP. May want to lower it so it's reasonable. The player weapon clipped into geometry, should probably be rendered in front so it doesn't do that. Also the first person view rotates in a circle instead of staying in place when turning, which feels a bit weird at times. Neat demo, but it feels very generic at the moment.

hey, thanks for trying the game, yeah sorry about the mouse thing, i was fixing other bugs and didn't realize that the mouse thing still happens even if its minimized, currently uploading a fix for that.

>Besides that I beat up most of the enemy types, and man some had a lot of HP. May want to lower it so it's reasonable
noice, yeah some of them are kind of like a special enemy (especially the spear guy since he's supposed to be a boss), so they have higher health than other ones.  you kinda have to use heavy attacks often for those guys, but yeah i'll see what i can do with the hp, there will be a huge part of the combat i haven't added which would help with damage so i'll implement that first and we'll see i guess

>the first person view rotates in a circle instead of staying in place when turning, which feels a bit weird at times

sorry i don't really understand this, do you mean like when you're dodging or something?

>Neat demo, but it feels very generic at the moment

yeah it is very empty atm, there's a big part of the combat that's not there just yet , hopefully it will be there next DD

thanks for the feedbacks!

>sorry i don't really understand this

I mean when you just move the mouse right/left, rotating the player's look direction. The camera seems to be offset from the physics capsule, rather than centered. This causes the camera to move in a circle around the capsule instead of just pivoting on a spot. While not strictly bad, many FPS, that I recall, use a centered camera to avoid that effect. For example, walk so that you're kissing one of the enemy spawners. Then move the mouse right/left, you'll rotate around the spawner instead of spinning in place like one would expect. 

Hope that's clear and of use to you.

ah i get it now, sorry esl here. Yea it is indeed not in the center but a bit to the back, tbh i don't even know why i set it up that way kek. Ok i'll try fixing it thanks man