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Howdy, Belter.

Gear's spent before a roll, Grit's spend after. Them's the breaks. Now I'm not there to keep you honest, so if you want to give it another go with Gear, sayin' that you meant to do it the whole time I'm not going to come and smack the die out of your hand. But the intent is that you're spending Gear when you think to yourself, "Man, I really can't fail this one. Better dig in the toolbelt for an edge..."

As to the second, no amount of sheer grit and determination's going to overcome your need to keep breathing. Gas does its own thing and is unaffected by any other mechanics aside from certain kinds of Bad News. 

Entering your Airlock does indeed prompt a Gas check, like transiting all modules. You can stay in there and hold the door for your buddy without checking it, but the decompression/pressurization cycle is long enough to make waiting on the Belter's Prybar hatch have you checking your wristcomp and maybe saying "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." Movement around a Bird can be counted on to have one constant. Token moves? Check gas.

Hope that gets you sorted, Belter.

Chariot, out.


Thank you.  That clears up those issues.   That information would be appropriate to state directly in the rule book or perhaps in an FAQ on issues that have been coming up here.

One other question, there were professions in the book that were blank - will those be finished and added eventually? 

If your copy isn't showing the Resc'Tech and the Rookie as filled in, you're working from an old copy. Download the new file.


Ah ha.  thank you.  I was both sure and wrong that I had the latest version

New questions - can threats move through blocked modules?  my guess is yes even if it's not nanites.

Payday option that adds 2 load and 2 creds - does that mean a tier 1 payday becomes 6 load and is therefore now worth 8 creds? 

Threats, like, you cannot move through blocked modules. They will take the most direct path toward you that is open and available...which gets tricky when it comes to them being on the wrong side of a shipbreak from you. The card-based AI is rudimentary, but them's the breaks.

6 load and 6 cred for a Tier 1 Payday that's been boosted. Usually they're 4 Load and 4 Cred.  

One more follow up - do threats spacewalk?

And thinking about that is there a maximum distance you can traverse with one successful spacewalk.  I'd guess it would be about one modules worth of transit.

Threats never spacewalk. That's a solitary comfort when you watch the part of the ship that's holding the hungry alien or the murderous ghosts just go drifting off into the great unknown, ain't it?

There's no maximum distance for a spacewalk. It's sufficiently high risk and high reward that so long as you can draw a straight line between your module and your destination, you're golden. Just...y'know, don't die. Simple as, right?

Excellent.  Thank you