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Glad it was helpful! Thanks for sharing some insight into your process.

Things totally change and with a game jam you gotta make those last minute pivots. My feedback about normalizing the movement had more to do with speed increase when moving in a diagonal direction (a common problem in older FPS games) than it did about moving at 45 degree angles, in an isometric fashion.

No reason to apologize either. It's a game jam. It's impressive enough you managed to get it all done in time and on your own. It's still a major accomplishment :D

For a jam it's a bit much to offer reconfigurable controls, as that level of polish is distracts from all the other super important stuff that needs doing. I think your implementation was a great decision to offer alternative controls for the time available.

Would definitely love to play an improved version. Keep up the good work!


No problem whatsoever!

Yeah, I did get what you meant about normalizing the movement and diagonals being faster. The wording of my response wasn't the best, apologies. I basically said to myself "I'll just shove this very basic move logic in here to start prototyping with, even though it bothers me that it has that movement issue thing. I'll come back and improve it when I know when more of the game is done, especially the background art, since that might change how I want the player to move," and completely forgot to go back to it in the end.

And thank you very much! :D I'm proud of what I managed to get done, hindsight's just always 20/20 with ways it could have been better.

You may be right that reconfigurable controls might have been too much for the time available. It was a case of "if it's simple enough to understand and implement, I'll just do it, because accessibility is good." And... everything I found was a bit too complex for me to just throw in on the fly. But I'm glad that the alternative controls were seen as a good alternative!

Thank you again for the kind words! I'll do my best to keep up a good standard for games I make in the future, and improvements I make to this game.