Hello MadSushi! I saw GrayStillPlays video of your game and was excited to give it a go. It's beautiful I must say. Though a funny thing happened when i tried to set my pestle and morter down for the first time. I had assumed it would be set on a table since it's so small, alas when i tried to place it, it popped up like popcorn and when i went to pick it up I had two! Thinking it was just a glitch, I tried a second time and BOOM now i have 4, lol. This doesn't seem to be an issue if you set it up on the floor. But the problem is my game will not allow me to drop the other pestles, so now i have 4 slots taken by undroppable pestles.
Thank you so much for spending time on what seems to be a great game in the making. Are you still running updates on it?