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it's not a rip off, some are inspired. the story and monsters are different

(1 edit)

Yes it is.  Stop defending yourself. You are looking more like a clown with the "bro check my gamejolt look see these games arnt ripoffs" and "Its inspired". Lol no, You got jealous of Daves popularity and you are nothing more than a leech. Nothing wrong with making pariodies or inspired games but your shit looks like a ripoff thats topped off with your shitty comment thats defiling the work you clearly copied. Just admit it. 

(3 edits)

I don't want anyone starting a witch hunt against you, I honestly don't know how they were able to find your game and I don't want this to cause any ill will towards eachother. While I still disagree with your decision to make this game and I do hope you'll reconsider and not make it, I wouldn't want this to turn into a flame war either with my fans attacking you n all.