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Fun suggestions! :)

More weapons is on my list to explore for sure.

Picking up random weapons could be fun. Right now you die when you lose your right sword hand, but it would be neat if you could pick your sword up again and wing it with your left arm at a slower speed.


Ooh, that does sound neat. If anybody else here played Wind Waker when they were a kid, they might get what I'm saying. There were enemies in that game who would pick up each others' weapons and that was SO COOL to me when I was younger. Thanks for replying, I think this game is headed in a good direction!

here are some mor weapons and enemies... hammers, crossbows, turrets, crossbows, maces, pistols, mechs, dragon mechs, tiger mechs, double swords, space planes, drones, alien animals (4 da blod), reassembled robits, wrenches, flamethrowers, snipers, flying jet-pack bots, crowbars (congrats you've won the excellence in shopping centers... actually the crowbar snaps in two.. just kidding.(jontron fans will know understand this)) and mor to think of.