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I am divided about this one rio85... but just because I happened to play your Round 1 submission! Of course I will rate this unbiased, but here are my thoughts:

On the one hand, I am happy you revisited your first round and explored the same world, sort of giving an introduction to Round1. The SFX and the trippy audio set the mood for the weird world and visions that followed.

On the other, after playing it all, it felt that it could have more potential regarding the theme... Please don't get this the wrong way, doing game jams and especially GDKO is super hard and demanding and most of the time real life hits harder when you want to make games.

My experience was this: "oh cool weird boat, I can't really hear what these people are saying, let me turn on the volume, oh its gibberish in purpose? Cool, press SPACE, oh its this ITS THIS RED GUY FROM LAST ROUND! OH nice! Can't wait to see how the theme was implemented! Nice nice I know this place, nice, a few extra effects and SFX, aha aha nice, oh I remember this vision nice and creepy I wonder if we are going to learn what happened here, nice nice, oh wait, big boys are here again, okay nice nice- the end?"
You had as going there so good so I really was expecting something more, can't wait to learn more on the next round!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey spoonsweet!
Not getting this in any wrong way, actually, quite the opposite!
Thanks for the feedback, and yes, my intention was to add much more but unfortunetely , my day job got really busy here and I could only do something in 2 days at the end of the day, so I focused on composing/recording the soundtrack and add as much as I could of extra content.
A curiosity about the voices at the start, it's not gibberish but I wanted to make it subtle, it's actually the quote from the Philosopher Seneca in Latin, "Quis Hic locus? Quae regio? Quae Mundi plaga?" which is shown in English after you press space. Buuut I like to keep those kind of stuff subtle.


edit: typo

Oh sweet! Thanks for the great reply!
I imagined this would be the case, GDKO starts in January when people have a bit of extra free time usually, but then gets harder as life kicks in for most. Good to know it was Latin! With "gibberish" I was meaning to say not some instruction or hint shared specifically in English to communicate to a vast audience. Nice! I agree with the subtleness choice! Thanks for revealing the quote here!
Have a good day and see you around!