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Glad to see a godot game =D
Tried using enter to bypess the blobs because of the collision bug, but still did not manage to get very far, some doors were acting weird as well. Will wait for the update you mentioned and try again.

Some doors are locked as originally  I was going to add a key mechanic but ran out of time.

As for acting weird I think I know which door you mean. I had to swap out that doors animation for a different one at the last minute since  the opening trigger got triggered by the door itself during it's animation. It's fine for the most part , but if your timing is off and you don't move backward enough the animation can get reset before it's finished. If that were to happen move a bit more to the back and wait a bit for now. I'll see what I can do about it later, there are lots of things that still need to be added to the game,  so I can't make any promises on which update will adress that animation, but I plan to release a lot of updates for this one.