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Is there any way to mass delete saves?

I'm planning on playing again for different choices. The problem I'm having, is that I haven't been able to find the folder where the old saves are, and I got 90 pages worth that I need to delete.

That's a lot of clicking time, especially since you have to confirm each individual X you choose in order to do it manually.

**And yes, this does mean I'm hooked and addicted to the TFTUV train. There's just so many choice possibilities, that you can't experience from only a single play-through.


There's no easy way to do this in the app itself. Save management in Ren'Py isn't very good out-of-the-box, I'm afraid. You can delete the files manually though. The directories can be found here:

Windows: Users\*name*\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\
macOS: ~/Library/RenPy/