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a surprise update: public beta test!

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I got a BSP bug straight from start... 180deg at first room exit side hidding almost everthing, and most of pos+angle in next room.

W7 x64 GTX1060GT, W10 GTX750TI.

First room (normal view)

Same as prev. screenshot but ~3deg righter...

Some point at second room

Any points have some yaw range as normal view (most of time 180deg range, but ~30deg at room corner)

P.S.: Warrior + BSP bug and i got last shot at stairs, almost everething destroyed with wrench-throwing (turret with bild hit&run throwing around corner)


good job! I guess the game is a bit too easy 🤔

so far I only have a hunch of what might cause this:
if you enter the following console command: darkfog 0
are there any changes?

(console is the ` key same as in LAB)


I see no effect from this command. At least for first two rooms. Also i try to switch some video settings, but this wont help.

P.S.: W10 fresh installed two weeks ago, without noticed tricks and tuning have same problem.

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oh well.. thanks for trying it out anyway! (btw is it the same error on both the W7 and W10? or just W10?)

 I suspect it's a gpu thing 🤔 (because the semi-transparent stuff is visible the culling logic seems to work)


Both, as i mentioned above GTX750TI and GTX1060GT, can't check other video cards for now, but will try integrated intel tomorrow.

I think I figured it out: it's something going wrong with the skybox stencil

the odd thing is that the stencil works on some gpu and not on others
on some of them the stencil test always passes .. and I'm not sure why
(so much for my stencil based skybox trick)

still need to figure out how to fix it though 🤔

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Personally with my video i use stencil a lot for portals like Portal, and some more tricks, and see no bugs. (over webGL)

Win 7 using old driver and Win 10 latest.

I saw something related to skybox and wrong culling with some versions of GZDoom, but it looks more like a leak through the skybox than occlusion.

I found out what was the problem and it was all my fault:
- for antialiasing (under windows) I need to create a second window to check if opengl supports it
- this second one also needs to check a "pixel format descriptor"
- and for this second one I forgot to add requirement for a stencil buffer
so either you got one that had stencil or not .. it was random

anyway I just uploaded the fixed version; hopefully this was the only major problem:

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I am not played a lot, but some random observations:

1) Wrench/multitool alt-fire-stun a terrible effective, just a ultimate sniper-AOE to stay unhit against 90% enemies...

2) Some force fields hurts some not... (I think I am mistake, and FF totally safe)

3) I can't reach roach and palm at cells under FF ); But the hand looks friendly!

4) Guys pretend what see no dynamite spawning from nowhere... I thought they just like fireworks!!!

5) I mentioned about wrench really best sniper weapon?

6) Small difference between breakable and drag-able crates.

7) I am kill-control every corpse just in case... I am absolute not ass-bitten at first 5min of game...

8) And yes, I am feel warrior more as easy than normal difficulty. (If won't striking into too spread crowd with wrench return-cooldown)

9) 8 secrets at first level it's just wonderful and terrible at same time... (I found only 2 for now, but I have troubles with motion sickness for last couple of days and secret-hunting beat me too hard)

10) Level larger than I was expected. First level remembers me more Quake2 and Unreal1 than HL1 about I wrote earlier.


11) Shield + wrench = cheat

12) Doors not only open by shoot but close too, You can play this game with mobs

13) At max difficulty sometimes still alive mobs drop weapon when stumbles then I loot it and mob still can shoot to me (It's bug or feature?) I got thee from one...

14) I can't loot dinosaurs food guards just before level exit :'(


Most of indie FPS I was played for last 2-4 years just too FPS(without notable portion of random funny things, it's too boring for me last decades) or GZDoom mods sometimes funny but too doomy (2.5D and limited interaction). It's funny when You drop a some games because they too long, and replay other many times because they too short but enjoyable...

P.S.: Be cool if full game have map/chapter selection like LAB, I think it's very useful feature for almost-every FPS longer than two hours and especially when replaying... (As an example some levels of LAB, ProjectWarlock1, HL2 etc. I replayed a lot more than all others in sum)

Wrench sniping (point not a crosshair but his last projectile, even shotgun shells easy to evade from this distance):