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(2 edits)

Hello everyone! I am new to the narrow one community and I’m trying to fit in. I go by the name “Jester” in game and have 30k coins.







Hello :)

Hello there, comrade!

Welcome to the community!

We are all glad to have you here, and I think you'll fit right in :)


Also, there's another player here called Jesters, you should get to know him, he's nice.

Thanks for the welcome! Although, I really didn’t want to copy his name, I just randomly made it up.

I see. Well, hope you get to know us well!

i see ok


welcom(heheh someone s name is same as u)

Thank you! Yes, I know him.

Hello! Welcome to itch community you'll fit in

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hello fellow, jello… I mean Jester. Welcome to N1 through the lens of itch. Quite a fine name you have there, and it is rightfully yours… for now……..and later. There are a couple others with attached adjectives such as speed or killer, but you are Jester and I am Jesters. If I wake up one day and feel the impending Singularity, well  then I would be you and you would be me in Infinity. For this my digego can rest easy…for now…and later. Good skill, Shoot fast & Shoot Straight, fellow jello… I mean archer. :)

Don't be jealous... 

You just discovered your hidden twin brother! 

yesh, lord.

i was gonna say that


Thank you for the warm welcome, jesters! I really hope my name isn’t any type of offense to u or such, I just randomly made it up. Also, I am willing to change it if u want.

nah, the saturation was soon to come. I dream of a full kicka$$ Jester Squad. :)

nice, want to play? I’m bored

cool maybe i know you already im the guy with the tiger hat and king shoes and fearless quiver :)

Idk, I’ve met couple of players like that.

Oh, I think I know u, ur the guy from the archery map.

Now theirs two Jesters 💀. Btw, plz join my clan DC. It is part of a union of clans known as NU. btw sub to me ❤️ and welcum to the community 

I’d love too! I’ve been looking for a clan desperately, now that I’m in the narrow one community, I can.

I’ll try to join tmr, I’m going to sleep now. Bye!


Also, you can read this in the morning, it's a description of what the NU is.


I’ve joined!

Cool, welcome to the Narrow Union!


I’ve joined!



nvm lol