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(1 edit)

Hello fellow, jello… I mean Jester. Welcome to N1 through the lens of itch. Quite a fine name you have there, and it is rightfully yours… for now……..and later. There are a couple others with attached adjectives such as speed or killer, but you are Jester and I am Jesters. If I wake up one day and feel the impending Singularity, well  then I would be you and you would be me in Infinity. For this my digego can rest easy…for now…and later. Good skill, Shoot fast & Shoot Straight, fellow jello… I mean archer. :)

Don't be jealous... 

You just discovered your hidden twin brother! 

yesh, lord.

i was gonna say that


Thank you for the warm welcome, jesters! I really hope my name isn’t any type of offense to u or such, I just randomly made it up. Also, I am willing to change it if u want.

nah, the saturation was soon to come. I dream of a full kicka$$ Jester Squad. :)

nice, want to play? I’m bored