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One of the few games that got me to actually say "Wait, what?" out loud. That was such a welcoming surprise and a funny one. Really enjoyed the idea and music, extremely well animated too. Especially in the reassembly and shuffling.

Only issue that I had was being unable to rotate the cube, but seeing others were able to play just fine, I assume it's on me. 

Good job!

Haha, that's so awesome! Thank you for sharing that with me.

That's very odd that it wasn't working for you. Only thing off the top of my head is if you have a non-QWERTY keyboard. The way I set things up might have meant it didn't work for you. Either way, if you re-map the controls in the pause menu, that might be a way around it?

Thanks for letting me know! I'll see if I can reproduce and fix it after the jam :)

That's odd, I sure do have a QWERTY keyboard. Could be a browser issue as well, I'm using firefox. I mean, sure, regional keyboard but still qwerty. I wouldn't worry much about it unless more people bring that up