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Because Itch users might want early access as well.

The game is still free until 0.7


And if you have already bought it on

(1 edit) (+2)

Any payments until now have been donations. And while I am extremely grateful for every one of them I can't offer anything extra for it.

However if allows it I will of course make the game available for those who have already paid the required amount. I wouldn't want anyone to have to pay twice for it. I'm gonna contact their support to see how it works


Thank you. But this just shows why so many don't pay and just download. Paying the requested amount causes problems like this.....

That's how it works for other games I've bought here. Itch can check if I paid and how much, and you can upload newer versions here that I can then download (if the price I paid is high enough). 

That's great to hear!