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A member registered Nov 10, 2018

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Didn't even know about this game, but Itch emailed and said i'd be interested in it, (along with titles i DO know about!) :)

We're with you M8!

The way you have done it is very confusing, downloading week one goes into a folder, but then it goes straight to week 4, and that downloads to a separate folder, same with episode 5, Now I only played week one, yet that was the whole game! When I tried week 4 and week 5, they were the same game. Much better to follow most AVN devs and just give patch numbers. Anyway, have no idea how many weeks are in the whole game, so I'll wait a while.

I was so in need of cheering up - so now I can be laughing again! Thanks for the update!

What about people like me, that paid money, do I have to go without now, unless I spend more money, meaning someone who supported you will pay more than those that haven't bought it yet!

Can't you tell Itch all the characters are clones,

Keep up the good work. We're all waiting to continue this fantastic AVN!

Well, just finished 0.9, was sort of sudden, and overall, so far, I would give it a 7 out of 10.

(3 edits)

The AVN is quite good, but the weak Mom, and the weak MC is just terrible!  Not dealing with the Father, maybe even punching him on the nose or something and not dealing with the girls in his class! Not saying anything to Emma when she's insulting him. All this is SO frustrating! To be honest, it stops me enjoying the game, because it's just not life-like, and playing a snowflake is never enjoyable!

Can't wait, need a good laugh!

RL comes first. You'll get no pressure from many of us, including me, I am sure!

But by bit on Itch or wait for Steam. Not easy either way! :)

Will this be appearing on Steam anytime soon?

What's going on with the court case. As my main interest is the main game, not the prequel.

Can't wait! Funniest AVN on Itch!

Well, it's now halfway through July 2024 - and nothing. DigDog - are you lying to us?!

Great funny AVN! Can't wait! :)

Working on too many games, and RL life is impacting the dev. Be surprised if any of his three games get finished.

No more news about the court case? Or is the original game dead?

Keep up the good work!

Hey, you could have got a great job at McDonald's! :)

As I paid money for this AVN, I HAVE to be patient....! :(

(1 edit)

Thank you. But I wonder how many episodes, 14 maybe? So another 4 years then...! And back when I bought it Itch was telling me I bought the game. Now AVN devs are saying " no, you just bought the game upto that update"! So now, even though I paid money, I have to wait for the free version to get my update! There needs to be a better way than this!

The best AVNs always die, the crappy one's always get finished. Such a shame! THis game would have sold so well on GOG and Steam as a finished game, but I don't beleive any more that it will actually be finished!

Keep up the good work!  I hope, when the game is finished, you put it on Steam and GOG. I think, based on AVNs already on the sites, they wouldn't have a problem with your game.

Always difficult when people leave. I have always said that this game will have amazing sales on GOG and Steam, but I would hope you don't cut corners, as that will only hurt reviews, and thereby sales. This is an AVN of our times, there are no AVNs I know that are doing that! SO keep up the great work! My support is long-term!

I read everything you write! You're talking about a favourite AVN you can't work on, and other AVN I am looking forward too!

Well, we're looking at the end of many AVNs then. Shame.

Going woke, and, of course, already signs of it going broke!

Based on AVNs that ARE on Steam and GOG, I am not so sure about that!

So sad about Itch, Will have to wait until a finished game appears on Steam or GOG.

Good luck with the move! Don't forget, most AVN sales are when a game is "Final". Plus, that's when you can put it on Steam and GOG!

What a brilliant AVN.Can't wait for the update!

Good luck with the case!

If only Pride was how you described it. It's not.

Will wait until it's further along before I buy. A demo would be nice.

Good AVNs are always the first to die. Such a shame. But then, because this happens a lot with AVNs, unlike all other genres, it's the main reason people won't pay money for anything but a full game

As long as it stays as funny as is, I can't wait!

Don't feel bad for the update delay. We're all with you. And when you release 1.0 on GOG and Steam, it will become all worthwhile, because I think you'll have a huge hit on your hands!

Good luck. That TikTok video should help a lot! Don't feel bad about it being one year. The game is good enough to wait for. Just look after yourself!

Things seem to be happening, so that's good. We'll wait patiently, and look forward to whatever you release whenever you release it!