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(3 edits) (-1)

The AVN is quite good, but the weak Mom, and the weak MC is just terrible!  Not dealing with the Father, maybe even punching him on the nose or something and not dealing with the girls in his class! Not saying anything to Emma when she's insulting him. All this is SO frustrating! To be honest, it stops me enjoying the game, because it's just not life-like, and playing a snowflake is never enjoyable!


As a guest in their house, on a mission to help resolve their strained relations, the Main Character has to show some restraint and keep his fists of fury holstered. Otherwise, he’d risk living on the streets, or worse.

Now, I get that some players want more of a reaction in certain moments, especially regarding Fred and early Emma interactions. Some dialogue changes will be made before the very end, but they won’t be major and there will be no violence, ever. (The wedgie performed by Angela is as violent as it’s ever going to get)

The way of dealing with Angela by sending her to the principal’s office and not tearing her a new one, is in my mind a happy medium. Effort can be put elsewhere while also not souring the mood too much.


Well, just finished 0.9, was sort of sudden, and overall, so far, I would give it a 7 out of 10.