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It is possible to fall off the map and go to the shadow zone of renderglitches. 
And to the south of initial compartment is unconfortably big for a dungeon wasteland.

Yes we are aware of it.. Its strange how you can even go through the walls, but falling through the plane then isnt that hard anymore... 

(2 edits)

I didn't go through any walls.
There are stairs in the corner of initial compartment that allow you to escape it and explore structures to the north.
I thought it was on purpose.

For the stairs you had to touch the green button so they would appear.... But you could just jump high enough without them, up there you should be teleported to the next room. But that doesnt always happens, small collider i guesss? 

Yeah I fell into the render hell as well.

In the second room I went up the stairs and didn't get teleported.

Yeah colliders werent really setup well..