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just defeated him.
now time for skull dungeon.
despite my good old tome finding it is quite hard.
following the green dots often leads to dead ends, now I'm at some 2 laterns.
but I disappear when i walk along the path between them.
guess I missed a split somewhere again :-/

also, you know at some screen on the overword you simply cant go up.
is that intentional?
it's right before you enter the ruins with the glass automaton guardian.


okay, I am now at the skull dungeon. somehow trial and errored my way out of the part before.
made it to the boss there but as soon as the fight is about to start, I get this error:

action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 1
for object obj_drake:

Variable obj_drake.spr_drake(100411, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_drake_Other_11
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_drake_Other_11 (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_obj_drake_Step_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>

so no fight for me.
I dont remember where exactly but somewhere along the way I found another invisible barrier thing. :-/
(1 edit)

Yeah, the invisible barriers are just places that aren't in the game yet. They'll go somewhere soon.

The crash at Drake Soma-Sor is actually patched in version 3.0.1. If you download the most recent version here you should be able to fight him. Your save file will transfer with no issues. I fixed that about a day ago, but I didn't actually post a devlog about it.

okay, beat him.

Also beat the tomb of whatever with the trial.

seems like, except the boss fight in the village, I have more or less seen everything.


That would be about it. There's several sidequests at Deep City and Camp of Lost Hope, which you may or may not have seen. But those are more for completionist type people. You've done the bulk of what's in there so far.