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Hiya there,

Thanks for the support and kind words on the project, it really means a lot to me! I do apologise, as I meant to respond to your email but the impending launch on other sites kept grabbing my attention way.

Translations into other languages is something I might heavily consider in the future once all of the chapters of the game are complete, but right now chapters undergo frequent, large updates to the script with multiple additions and features being added, meaning that having a translated branch of the chapter could potentially splinter development where one branch has far more content than the other, which is something I would like to avoid happening.

However, I appreciate the enthusiasm and passion for wanting to contribute to the project, and will definitely keep you in mind when the time comes!


All right! No problems, I have a pretty good idea of how this works and that's to be expected. The wisest way of doing things is just as you say. So, let's be patient, keep up the good work and send Matty to his destiny with all your might! For when the time comes, I'll always be roaming here, so contact me whenever you like.

Good luck and see you!