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3 useless bonuses, yet no news since April 2022. So this game is dead. Could have had an update if he didn't waste time on those damn bonuses!


toxicity like this would make anybody want to extend an update.


No, the gap was there before I made a comment.


That's one idiot guy and definitely boot licker of this mf dev, who's milking innocent guys.


He wasn't saying that your toxicity caused the gap, he was saying that, that toxicity like that sure isn't going to speed things along and if anything, would make the dev want to not put any more effort into rushing it out sooner.


Yeah why don't you work anymore bud?

😢 Someone name John asked me to work faster on internet,i can't take it anymore I'm going to abandon my work now(but will do it slowly to still keep milking these idiot patreon of mine)

But why don't you ignore him and work harder and make something good?

STupid to do that when you can relax and enjoy free money out of these idiots who play my garbage shit 😆😆😆


It's not dead, he just does not work quickly from what I've seen. His last post was at the end of Dec 2022 on his patreon. He comes forward and will even refund/no charge subscribers for taking so long. 


Hey guys this one living in his own fantasy,who still believe that this dev isn't a bastard milker like many other,and will release something good like ever😂😂😂


maybe instead of being rude and abrasive  you could do something productive with your time ? Hmmm 

Well, an update on Patreon in Dec 2022, and the last news for us Itch customers being in April, 9 months before, tells me those that say he's milking his Patreon customers as long as he can are right! And Manster1775 didn't give any date for an update, just the dev saying, in so many words, he's taking even longer to milk his Patron customers even more.


customers ? On Itch that’s a bit of a stretch the game is given to us for FREE. We don’t have the same right to complain as opposed to people actually paying for the product. Always remember patience is a virtue .


Some paid money. Not everyone downloads it for free. We support the dev, and don't get support back!


and if you’ve paid money then you have a right to be upset but for everyone else they shouldn’t complain about what they get for free .


Well, the dev shouldn't offer it for free, and if he does, he should accept complaints.


or alterantive idea you could complain less and find other things to do while we wait out an update,

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Here's what I saw about you @UK John in the past few weeks. You comment on almost every guy's comment, like literally and you just complain how he is milking money from patreons and shit, have you paid at least 0.01$? If no, stfu, why the fuck would you be mad over that if you haven't supported him at all? I'm not saying you didn't pay shit but like IF you didn't you should keep your ass away from this dev man, why you only comment on this Dev's Game? Why you don't comment on someone else who is ACTUALLY milking money? Oh IK why, cuz ur obessed with this game and probably commenting on everything and complaining bout everything is the main goal of your life? Man, chill out, no offence but I just think you should stop being a dick and wait patiently for updates, or just find another game, because with that attitude, not only he will make things go slower but he won't put too much effort, you'll have buggy game. Now the question, is that what you want man? Instead of complaining, how bout give him compliments for graphics of game or whatever? Like seriously, every comment you made, is just ''dev lazy, milking'' ''last update april here, december on patreon'' I mean, I am no one here, but someone has to stop your ass. No offence again, it's just my personal opinion, I haven't paid a single penny on this game, IK it is frustrating to wait for updates, but if you didn't pay shit, be like me, play something else and eventually update will come, don't fucking camp this website 24/7 replying to everyone who says something nice to DEV. One guy said something about is there gonna be new season and bla bla updates bla bla, and you replied ''Check comments below'' like FFS man, just chill.

No offence. And yeah IK u will swarm me with your rage trying to prove me I'm wrong and bla bla, call me dick and etc etc, feel free, but you'll just prove to everyone that you're camping here 24/7 and have no life at all. IDK man, I wouldn't if I was you. What a shame would be.  

If you at least read till here, you got my respect. And like I said, feel free to swarm on me with your rage, it's okay, wouldn't be first time some random dudes showing off their language. But yeah, goodluck.