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(1 edit)

Thanks for the extra information! I don't get notifications for and don't look at my reviews very often, so it's very easy for stuff to slip by me there.

I use Godot 3.4's GLES 3 renderer (which does have a GLES 2 fallback - you can launch it with --video-driver GLES2 to force that, though it doesn't look ideal), and I've had the game running on Intel HD-3000 chips in the past. It's Godot 4.x that doesn't have an OpenGL 2 renderer.

I'd love to see a copy of your game log if you're willing to share one. If not, please do let me know if you come up with a solution. There might be something I can do to help the situation, and I'd like to have a solid understanding of the problem so that I can help others in the future.


I have tried to run it from a Std directory, as well as a ramdrive <which is how I run pretty much any game that will fit.> Both had the same error.

All the logs had the exact same 1-line error before stopping without logging any further data, so I only sent the latest one, & the screenshot of the error msg itself from the game.

I also thought I'd mention that this laptop has the latest 2015 intel drivers; not the 2012 ver. like the older laptop that ran it fine did.

I thought Id leave some relevant device info here

OS: Win 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-Bit)

Make: ASUS 

APU: Intel i5-2450(Mobile) @2.50GHz

RAM: 8 GB (7.78 usable)

It is definitely the GLES 3 renderer,

However; I tried with the GLES 2 fallback & it does let the game run again, so thanks for that- I'm also including the working log for the (GLES2 Fallback) in a seperate file just in case. <oh it did run fron the ramdrive w/ the fallback, hence the Drive:L in the log>

The bees are angry no more ;) ...


Godot Engine v3.2.2.stable.official -

**ERROR**: Error initializing GLAD

  At: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_gles3.cpp:141:is_viable() - Error initializing GLAD

<So the GLAD rasterizer isn't initializing properly.>


hive-time_2023-01-02_05.33.06.log (GLES 2 Fallback)

Godot Engine v3.4.4.stable.official.419e713a2 -

OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

WARNING: Cannot allocate back framebuffer for MSAA

   at: _render_target_allocate (drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp:5141) - Cannot allocate back framebuffer for MSAA

ERROR: MSAA not supported on this hardware.

   at: render_target_set_msaa (drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp:5700) - MSAA not supported on this hardware.

Setting up population menu

Loading external resources

Loaded 218 vignettes

Loaded 10 Queen portraits

Done loading external resources

Using random queen name

New queen name is Evelyn

Queen actions: 9

Queen idles: 5

Unable to open blacklist file user://chat_blacklist.json for reading (this isn't necessarily bad - it's OK to not exist)

Unable to open chat user whitelist file user://chat_whitelist.json for reading (this isn't necessarily bad - it's OK to not exist)

Unable to load user config. Using defaults.

Checking settings file version


Found old settings file.

Game version: v1.2-119-g6b17df04

Running on Windows

Loading fonts from L:/Hive Time Version v1.2-119-g6b17df04 Win/fonts

Loaded HUD font as [DynamicFontData:4933]

Loaded misc font as [DynamicFontData:4934]

Loaded bold misc font as [DynamicFontData:4935]

Loaded chat font as [DynamicFontData:4936]

Loaded CKJ fallback font as [DynamicFontData:4937]

Loaded emoji fallback font as [DynamicFontData:4938]

Reminder status 0

Setting up menu bees?

Resetting to defaults.

Setting action list

Unable to load user config.

No custom bindings defined.

Making custom music folder since it doesn't already exist

Making custom music folder since it doesn't already exist

Toggling debug stuff False

Updating chat bee life mode to 1

Quitting chat

Updating chat status disconnected False

Done loading settings

Setting up menu music

Done setting up menu music

[User-Agent: HiveTime/v1.2-119-g6b17df04 (Godot)]

Current version: v1.2-119-g6b17df04, Latest version: v1.2-129-g74dbb915

Currently running version is not latest patch.


ERROR: MSAA not supported on this hardware.

   at: render_target_set_msaa (drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp:5700) - MSAA not supported on this hardware.




Thanks so much for that! I'm glad to hear that the GLES2 fallback is working for you.

Godot's GLES3 renderer requires OpenGL 3.3 apparently, and it looks like the HD 3000 chipset only supports 3.0 on Windows (it's 3.3 if you're on Linux or MacOS \o/ ). So far as I can tell at the moment, this requirement doesn't appear to have changed since the initial release of Godot 3.0.

There is a setting for enabling that fallback by default, but I've never touched it and it's currently off. Perhaps falling back to that automatically was enabled by default in older versions of the engine. I'll set that to be enabled in future builds of the game.


In regards to your comment,

"Godot's GLES3 renderer requires OpenGL 3.3 apparently, and it looks like the HD 3000 chipset only supports 3.0 on Windows (it's 3.3 if you're on Linux or MacOS \o/ )." Being that I specialize more in hardware than software; even if I was using Linux or Mac, it's unlikely that it would run with OpenGL 3.3 anyway- as in most cases the limiting factor here would probably be that the integrated chipset doesn't have the hardware to support the use of newer protocols. For instance I know of a few lighting/shader issues it has. Just like in general most pre 2016 graphics cards have no support for vulkan. Only manufacturers that attempted to future-proof them were able to give them added functionality via v-bios updates because the underlying architecture was already there. Regardless I'm grateful for the help, & wish you the best!

as in most cases the limiting factor here would probably be that the integrated chipset doesn't have the hardware to support the use of newer protocols

Just to clarify, Linux and Mac drivers for that specific chipset advertise 3.3 support, and I've previously had the game running on a HD3000 chipset on Linux with the GLES3 renderer in the past. It's possible that there are unimplemented 3.3 features, but I don't recall seeing any rendering bugs, so any would most likely be features that Hive Time isn't using, though driver developers seemed to think otherwise when 3.3 support was enabled. Apple maintain and distribute graphics drivers themselves (although don't have a history of providing particularly good or timely OpenGL support), and Intel graphics drivers for Linux are open source and community maintained. That allows driver development to continue beyond Intel's internal driver development lifecycle.

The nice thing about drivers is that although generally not as fast as what embedded firmware can do, the abstraction makes it easier to do things like this where additional APIs are exposed to ask hardware to do stuff that it's capable of but previously wasn't doing and/or to supplement behaviour in software.

Sorry for the delay in responding- covid again- I'm not supposed 2 get the vax cause of other medical issues I have but I'm seriously considering geting it anyway & just not tellin my doc cause gettin sick this bad every 6 mo or so this is'nt even for the birds (or bees).

Anyway, maybe there was some misunderstanding / miscommunication between us. I was under the assunmption you were using Vulkan as a wrapper & parsing openGL3.3 through it, that's why I made the comment about it being a hardware issue because the absolute minimum requirement to run vulkan is a GPU from @ least 2016 or newer because the mninimum requirements for the physical hardware pipelines don't exist in a GPU from Feb 2011 & regardles of how new the drivers are they can't aid in that issue.

<It's like having a car that someone tells you you should shift into 5th gear but the model you own doesn't have the gears in the transmission to go above 4th.>

That being said It's been a few years since I used vulkan (2018) so there may be some backwards compatibility improvements since I did (I used to have PC business, a dedicated gaming rig & server etc but lost it all- if u care to know why u can contact me here: & although it's somewhat relevant it doesnt belong in this thread anyway.)

However if your not using Vulkan & are only using Opengl3.3 sorry I misunderstood. Even if that's the case it takes intel forever to fully support anything in the graphics space- On their older series of cards even when the physical chip had the hardware for the newer graphics capabilities they had a tendancvy to leave all the work in writing the drivers or support up to the PC manufacterers instead- it wasn't until years after HP, Compaq, ASUS, etc added comparable support that intel finally updated their drivers.

Yeah, Hive Time uses Godot 3.4, which has GLES 3 and GLES 2 renderers. Godot's Vulkan renderer is only available in 4.x (which is still pre-release at this time). Vulkan's not a part of the puzzle so far as Hive Time is concerned.

I am truly sorry to hear that the shape of the world at the moment is forcing you to consider ignoring medical advice. It is very distressing that the broad "solution" from humanity at large has been to hang the elderly, the immunocompromised, and others at extreme risk out to dry. You don't deserve to be in the position you're in. I hope that you feel better soon and can find a relatively safe path ahead.