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Hey there! I'm Anna (she/her), @AnnaLandin on pretty much every platform I'm on. I'm a Swedish freelance artist and illustrator, and I've been an avid player of all kinds of ttrpgs since about 2016, but have been hanging out adjacent to the ttrpg space for quite a bit longer than that. While most of my gaming has been done in Dungeon World or D&D 5e, I've tried a broad range of systems and tend to be drawn to ones that emphasise narrative and shared power over worldbuilding and character arcs.

I play Rue Alder on The Promise Tree, an ongoing Ryuutama campaign that streams on Twitch every second Sunday - and if you've gotten your hands on the Flotsam ttrpg from Black Armada Games, that's my art on the cover (and parts of the interior).

I've only been creating games for a little while - I wrote my first one for the Emotional Mecha Jam - but it seems making games begets more games, because my project list keeps growing. My efforts thus far are Signal to Noise and Steading, but I'm sure more will follow soon.

Love your art style! Your use of color is really nice!