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Hi there!

It is possible, but I will not be able to do it now. 

In fact, I already manage to make it once, but I did not have the time to properly implement it as a plugin. But that will probably be part of some paid plugin. Maybe on the Message Actions, or maybe on this pro version, I still don't know. But it is on my to-do list.

(1 edit)

Nice! I'm not in a huge hurry for it anyways, but when I saw that effect I had a sudden case of "shiny object syndrome" and wanted to find a way to do it in my own project, lol. I could always just throw some text on a png image, display it as a picture, and then hue shift that... But that's obviously not a very fast or optimized way to go about it. I'll try to remember to keep my eyes out for that feature, though it'll be a bit hard since I don't know what plugin it will get added to... But it's certainly attractive enough that it would be worth paying for.